Friday, 28 June 2019

Callaghans ridge day tramp

On the 11th of April R1 and R8 walked the Callaghans ridge track for a day tramp. We had to bring a
pack full of stuff off a certain list and if we forgot something we couldn't go. We got into our car groups to
head off to the start of the track. My car group was Me, Nathan.K, Hannah, Phoebe and Wayne was
driving. When we got there mrs Kemp gave us a number and we had to say our number after the
person with the number before us said theirs. When we started walking I walked with Nevey and it
started to rain which made everything so much more exciting and fun but especially slippery.

Beach Cookout

On April the third 2019 room 1 and room 8 walked down to karoro beach next
to watson creek down at tasman sea. We were down at the beach because
we were having a beach cookout for our william pike challenge. In my group
was Jennae, Aimee, Ethan, David, Cullam and me. Our group was making
nachos for dinner and pancakes for dessert. One of my favorite parts was
lighting the fire and putting sticks on it. 

Afterwards we had to clean our dishes in the creek. It was lots of fun.

Marae trip

Have you ever stayed on a marae?. Because I have.
I have written some of the most amazing experiences you can experience on a

When we arrived at the marae we got powhiri on and all we had to do was sit
and not laugh. Soon we had to sing He Honore to the three people who
welcomed us on to the marae, At 3:00 we went down to the Arahura Awa
(river) to go looking for pounamu (Green Stone). We walked down the hill
and then we came to a gravel track that slightly narrowed up when we walked
along it. When we got to the awa we all started looking for pounamu. 45
minutes had past when we all got called to come back to Mrs Kemp. Only 5
people found pounamu and they were Clem, Sam, Jennae, David and I. 

After that, we had to walk down the awa to get to the beach which wasn’t far
from where we were. At the beach we had to form into groups to make a
sculpture of something we had learned. I grouped up with Charlie, Daniel,
Summer and Phoebe. My group all agreed on a waka (boat) so Charlie
grabbed a stick and drew the outline of our waka. We all started gathering
stones to put on the outline until I suggested to put sticks over from one side
of the waka to the other side of the waka and we all thought that was a good
idea so that's what we did. We got big sticks for the front of the boat and Mrs
Kemp took photos of everybody's creations. Our photos are now on our blogs.

In Conclusion, everyone had fun on the marae and we would all like to go

By Korban

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Monday, 17 June 2019

Lake Daniell

On 12.6.19 we did the Lake Daniell track. It was a 6 hour return walk.
We went on this walk for the William Pike challenge and because we were learning about hypothermia.

We had to split into groups of three to do a scavenger hunt. In my group was Nevey, Lily and Jack.
We were the only group of 4. When we got to Lake Daniell entrance there was this puddle and
was joking and saying that we arrived at Lake Daniell.

On the way to the lake I was in the front with a few other people.
When we got to the lake we had our lunch and I just had to be the first to touch the water so that’s
what I did. When we were eating lunch it started to rain.

On the way back I walked with Nevey for most of the way and then we stopped to wait for the others.
When we got to the end of the track I sprinted because I just had to be the first to get to the finish.
Over all the tramp was fun.

Friday, 14 June 2019

The Umbles

The Umbles are 4 stages to knowing that somebody has hypothermia.

The Umbles

  • Stumbles = The stumbles is a loss of control over movement. Slow motion is also a sign of the stumbles.

  • Mumbles = Slurred and slow speech, sleepiness and confusion.

  • Fumbles = Poor coordination, dropping objects.

  • Grumbles = A change in behavior and a negative attitude.  

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