Thursday, 6 August 2020

Graphic Novel

This graphic novel is about Ali Baba. He finds a cave where all the stolen hidden gold and treasure from forty deadly thieves. His greedy brother Kasim wants to get his hands on some of the treasure so Ali Baba tells him where the cave is. As he is inside the cave the thieves arrive back at the cave. The thieves captured him and killed him. Ali Baba realised that his brother wasn't back so he set off to find him. once he arrived at the cave he found out that Kasim was dead. the thieves found out that Ali Baba was there too so they decided they would find him and kill him too. Ali Baba's daughter found out and killed the thieves with boiling oil.

Maui's Journey

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

SSR Week 3 l song lyrics

Wee wee wee, wee wee wee, wee wee wee wee wee wee wee Wee wee wee, wee wee wee, wee wee wee wee wee wee wee! When I was just a wee-wee tot They took me off my wee-wee cot And put me on my wee-wee pot To see if I could wee or not When they found out I could not, They took me from my wee-wee pot. They put me on my wee-wee cot, And there I wee-weed quite a lot. They took me from my wee-wee cot And smacked me on my wee-wee bot This just shows that when it's hot Children shouldn't drink a lot! (sung slowly) When I'm old and turning grey I'll only wee-wee once a day But now I'm young and in my prime (speed up) I WEE-WEE ALMOST ANY TIME!