Wednesday 5 August 2020

SSR Week 3 l song lyrics

Wee wee wee, wee wee wee, wee wee wee wee wee wee wee Wee wee wee, wee wee wee, wee wee wee wee wee wee wee! When I was just a wee-wee tot They took me off my wee-wee cot And put me on my wee-wee pot To see if I could wee or not When they found out I could not, They took me from my wee-wee pot. They put me on my wee-wee cot, And there I wee-weed quite a lot. They took me from my wee-wee cot And smacked me on my wee-wee bot This just shows that when it's hot Children shouldn't drink a lot! (sung slowly) When I'm old and turning grey I'll only wee-wee once a day But now I'm young and in my prime (speed up) I WEE-WEE ALMOST ANY TIME!

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